As seniors in high school, we’re all probably thinking about college, and many of us know what college we’re going to already. There are many factors that we thought about when choosing which college we wanted to go to, such as location, majors, and price. Most schools probably have your majors, so that was easy to check off. Location shouldn’t have been hard to decide, but then comes the price factor. The question I want to know is: Is it really worth going to the college of your dreams, no matter what the cost?
For me, the biggest worry was price. How do I find a good college that I can afford on my own without going into debt by the time I’m twenty? Let’s face it, student loans, scholarships, and financial aid will only give you so much money, and then you’re still at the point where you owe tens of thousands of dollars. When you’re struggling with money and mom and dad aren’t there to help you anymore, you’re stuck. This is where the government should come in and help. They say we’ll be most successful if we go to college and get a degree right? Well how do they expect some of us to do that when we just can’t afford it? Hopefully the answer is near.
Obama has a plan for us. He wants us to be a country where everybody has a chance, not just where a small group of people are successful. Everybody wants the American dream, and if they didn’t get it growing up, they want to get it as an adult and give it to their children by sending them off to college. They can make this possible by going to college to get a good education. “Obama’s proposal would boost federal investment in the Perkins loan program from $1 billion to $8 billion and revamp the formula for distributing the money. Under the plan, colleges would be rewarded based on their success in offering relatively lower tuition prices, providing value and serving low-income students”.
The thing is, all colleges seem to be concerned about is money. The most important thing should be education and making difference in people’s lives by making it possible for them to get the education they want and need in order to be successful. High class families are fine in times like these, but that’s only a small percentage of our population. The middle and lower class need help. Unfortunately, the republicans have objected to this new proposal, so getting congressional approval may not work out in our favor.
Even if the cost of college doesn’t drop in time for us to attend, hopefully by the time we are sending our own children to school it will be more affordable. It will benefit all of us.