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Monday, February 11, 2013

Worth the Sacrifice?

By: Scott Sutter 

The right to life is the most basic of human rights. Life is dignified and noble and it is not ours to take. The exact moment in which life begins has been under debate for decades, most famously in the 1973 Supreme Court case entitled “Roe vs. Wade” which legalized abortions. Abortion has never been an argument of whether or not it is right to kill an innocent life, but rather an argument of when life truly began. While those on the pro-life side of the fence argue that life begins at conception, the “pro-choicers” combat with varying dates for the beginning of life ranging from the first heartbeat to birth. According to those who define themselves as pro-choice, it ought to be the right of the mother to make decisions about the fetus. Both arguments advance the rights of human life in their own regard. Recently, however, the pro-choice movement has begun to shift.

            Following the 2013 March For Life in Washington D.C. this past January Mary Elizabeth Williams, author for the online liberal news outlet The Salon, published an article entitled “So What if Abortion Ends Life?”. The article, which can be found here, details the author’s firm belief that life begins at conception yet firm pro-choice stance. She condemns the pro-life movement for employing such strong wording as life, after all, “Who wants to be on the side of… not life?”. She continues, arguing that the pro-choice movement must speak in stronger terms. It must recognize that the circumstances of individual pregnancies do not change the definition of the life growing in the womb. She concludes stating that she has no shadow of a doubt that a fetus is a human life, but it is a “life worth sacrificing”. 

            The notion of a life being “worth sacrificing” is potentially the most dangerous thought to have arisen from the pro-abortion camp. While at the present moment the title of “worth sacrificing” is reserved for those lives that are unborn, how long before the designation is extended to the newly born or the elderly. After all, if a child is a financial or physical burden to his mother, or if an elderly person becomes a pain for his family do they not by the logic of the pro-aborts become a “life worth sacrificing”. How long before children born with mental disabilities are “discarded” as to not cause struggle for the families? 

            Not only is acknowledging pre-natal life as expendable dangerous, it is unconstitutional. The constitution was founded upon the basic principles of life and liberty. If even the most basic right of the human person—life—is denied, what else can we decide? Will adults be denied a vote if they belong to a particular social class or have only received a certain level of education? After all, their vote is worth sacrificing as they are not educated enough to vote intelligently! I think that what is needed here is serious consideration on a universal definition of life. A legal definition of the exact beginning of life must be in place to protect life. Whether conception, birth, or anywhere in between, the beginning of life must be enshrined in the law before the dangerous concept of a “life worth sacrificing” gets out of hand.


  1. I completely agree with you, Scott, because who knows where this argument will end up without a standard definition of life, and this idea of a “life worth sacrificing”. I understand both sides where the pro-life people think that life begins at conception because that is essentially when the egg is fertilized, but I also understand the pro-choice side where life begins at the first heartbeat. I think that abortion itself is difficult to talk about, and without a standard idea of when life begins I think it makes the idea all the more difficult. Without this standardized idea the debate will only worsen, and I think they will lose sight of what they are actually fighting over.

  2. As always, I agree with you. I can't say how many times we've talked about this, but it always frustrates me. I am a women (and as every woman should) I believe hurting and killing babies is immoral and wrong. I believe if you are going to be sexually active, that you should be prepared for the consequences. People need to learn more self control, or atleast use birth control. Abortion is NOT birth control, and the sooner people realize this the better.
    Grr, I'm frustrated again.

  3. I think you presented your points in a clear and factual way even though I know that you have strong emotions to back up these beliefs of yours. I was impressed that you kept this all factual in an emotional manner, and because this is considered a religious issue, I like how you put that aside and made it more relate-able to more people.

  4. I am on the pro-choice side of the whole debate. However I disagree with what the woman in the article was saying. A life is made when there is a heart beat or when the baby is independent from the mother. It isn't fair to take away a woman's choice to decide what to do with their life. Bringing a baby into the world especially when you have considered abortion as an alternative isn't healthy and it could be farther damaging to that child. I am not saying that abortion is the only option but there it is one that should be a choice that the woman can choose to make. That person isn't a parent until the child is living and breathing on their own separate from the mother. Either way it is all dependent on the person's values, beliefs, and morals so it can truly go either way, but I really don't agree with how Mary Elizabeth Williams presented her argument. However, Scott, you did a fabulous job and your points were well justified and this was a very intriguing read!

  5. I agree with you as well, Scott. A legal definition of the exact beginning of life must be in place to protect life, and I believe the beginning of life is at the time of conception. Every life is sacred and should be treated as such and just reading the few things in your blog about what Mary Elizabeth Williams said is appalling. “So What if Abortion Ends Life?” This title alone is shocking. I don’t understand how anyone would think of ending another person’s life just because they are of no benefit and is a “life worth sacrificing,” especially about a baby that has no way to defend itself. No life is worth sacrificing.

  6. Scott I completely agree with you on this topic. I also agree with Katie. The topic of abortion is a hard one to talk about, no matter what side you are on. I thought it was good, and important that you were able to present your take on it while using factual information the entire time. While everyone has their own strong opinions to this you were able to write this article without getting into personal information that distracted from the article.

  7. I could go either way on this argument. I understand why pro-choice people want the choice of abortion, they only mean good to the child and I feel that it is not easy to choose abortion, I mean no one is happy to say "Hey lets get an abortion" and probably consider many other options, not just jumping straight to abortion. Some people are forced into unwanted sexual activity that can be very traumatic and do not have the ability to care for that child. However if you are being sexual activities that you put yourself into, you should be prepared and safe. Taking a life away because you were not safe enough and made a stupid decision does not give you the right to just take a life away. Scott you did a great article that was interesting to read, and also interesting to see others discuss about.

    - Bradley Kern

  8. Scott, you definitely raised a lot of good points throughout your post. I agree that the right to life is necessary for all human beings, no matter if they are unborn or born. A human life begins when the baby is conceived and how can the country legalize the murder of babies. You did a great job of presenting facts such as the legalization of abortion with the Roe v Wade case as well as other great facts. You also did a good job of adding your opinion to the facts!

  9. Much agreed, the meaning of life should never have to be argued. No matter what the woman chooses it’s never easy even if she chooses to keep it. So I do think that she should have all her options available. And then we have rape victims. Are we to punish them with a child? I think not. I thought you had good insight and factual information. like the 1973 Supreme Court case and personal input. Way to make it relatable.

    Robert Blask

  10. I agree with you Scott. You mentioned a lot of good points in your post and had evidence to prove that point as well. For example, the legalization of abortion with the Roe V. Wade case and other facts you said as well. A human should have the rights to live starting at conception despite the status of it's parents. There are people in the world who aren't able to have children but desperately want one and then there are people who just want a carefree life so they abort the innocent child just because of their poor sex choices. I also think you did a good job presenting the information and made the article relative to others.

  11. I like that you chose an article that was written by a pro-choice person who does believe that life begins at conception. I like this mostly because that is exactly my view on abortion. I know, without a doubt, that life is life and that begins the very moment of conception. I also agree with the idea of abortion as not pleasant. But I disagree with you that it is “dangerous” for those of us who believe that it is the mother’s choice and that abortion is “unconstitutional”. I think that people who have more than one abortion and use it as birth control is completely and utterly wrong but I acknowledge the fact that sometimes, it might be necessary. Now, I’m not going to bring up a list of reasons of why I think its okay, but I will say that, in a time of crisis, and the mother absolutely thought that abortion was needed, she should be able to have the right to go somewhere and get it done safely and affordably. Ultimately, it should be up to the mother. You did a nice job of representing your point of view without sounding pushy; you also used great examples.

  12. Scott, I do agree with everyone. I think you did a really good job in presenting your opinion with factual evidence and not let emotions be the base of your article. As a person who shares the same religious beliefs as you, I agree that life begins at conception. I also agree that there should be legal definition as to when life begins. I understand and see where both sides are coming from. I just feel as though abortion is such a hard topic to talk about because we all have such diverse beliefs and views on this topic. All I know and believe is that life is life. And I think that we have no right in taking someone’s life away.

  13. You did a very good job using facts about abortions and examples and not using your emotions. Also I think that life begins at conception and with that abortions should not be used as a way of contraception. It's up to you to make sure that your taking the necessary needs to protect yourself. What makes it okay for us to end the life so early before they even see the outside world? For all we know that child could be one of the most important people in world in the future. They could be the one to find the cure for cancer or be the next president that makes our country better or be the one who makes new math or science theories or prove one of the existing ones wrong!
