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Thursday, May 9, 2013

Gun Control

Written by: Truman R. Katula   

The Obama style gun control has been in debate for some time now after the Sandy Hook shootings and other tragic shootings.  I think the gun plan will not change the violent crimes committed in our country. Where does the rest of the youth think our great nation is headed?

    I have personal worries about the leadership of this country.  The government is meant to be led by our country’s people, not the other way around.  Right now, the constitution our country has been built on this entire country’s life is at risk.  We were given personal  rights for reason’s, and i fear our government believes these rights hold too much power. According to a poll taken by Harvard University, “Just one in four younger Americans believe the nation is headed in the right direction, and a majority of so-called Millennials disapprove of President Obama's gun control initiatives”.  

    With tragedies such as the Sandy Hook shootings, and shootings close to home like the Azana Spa Shooting, or the Sikh Temple shooting, you would think the young adults of this nation would lean with Obama’s gun control policies.  There was an even split on the poll of 37% for the NRA and 38% against it. There aren’t guns in the people’s houses to cause crazy shootings and tragic murders.  The guns can be used for this, but that doesn’t mean everyone will do it. and what happens if these shootings do happen, who can protect themselves? The youth aren’t the only ones disagreeing with Obama’s gun control plan.

    A National survey found that the majority of law officers disagree with Obama’s plan and say, “a federal ban on assault weapons would not reduce the risk of violent crime”.  “The American people, and particularly the members of law enforcement, want politicians in Washington to stop pursuing a failed political agenda and get to work fixing our broken mental health system, improving school security and getting criminals off the streets,” said Chris Cox, head of the National Rifle Association’s Institute for Legislative Action.  Raising gun control policies cannot eliminate guns or the ability to get guns.  This would just mean less innocent people have the ability to protect themselves that wish to do harm with the weapons they have through the black market.

Works cited

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