By: Jenna D.
When I realized it was my turn to post something on our class blog, I struggled at first to come up with a topic to write about. I didn’t want to write about politics, but I didn’t have many other high-quality ideas. For help I decided to turn to my friend, Google. That’s when it hit me. Humans today are becoming too dependent on technology and the Internet.
While there are some points that argue against this idea, it is obvious that children and teenagers today are growing up in a technology-dependent era. Just thinking on a personal level, it’s difficult to remember the last time I went a whole day without using my phone, iPod, computer or television.
The link to this video below gives a small insight of just how much technology has changed and increased in the past few years.
“Research from the American Heart Association shows teens spend an average of 20 hours a week in front of a computer or TV” (Chicago Tribune News). With Wi-Fi connections and easy Internet access, accesses to these resources are only becoming easier. Although the increase in Internet usage may not be a huge deal, it does show that the values of teenagers these days are rapidly changing. Yes, a Facebook status or a Twitter update may be important, but nothing can replace the personal connections and opportunities made with family and friends that are lost due to all the time spent online.
Increases in technology use effect children and teens not only mentally, but physically as well.According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, childhood obesity has more than tripled in the past thirty years (CDC). Children come home after school and race towards the television to continue a video game, or catch up on the latest trending T.V show instead of heading outside to play with friends. These poor habits only increase the already troubling obesity rate-which the government has recently realized as well.
Is government interaction really a solution to these many problems, though? Recently, the soda ban in New York was passed, restricting local fast-food restaurants from selling large sodas. An article in Time Magazine states, that ‘”…sugared drinks make up 43% of the added sugar in the average American diet. Further a 20-oz. serving of Coke contains 240 calories, compared with 200 calories in a 16-oz. size; for people who drink a soda a day, that adds up to an extra 14,600 calories a year”. Government controlled diets may be taking the obesity problem to a whole new level though. How much should we really allow the government to control our day-to-day lives? This new soda ban may help people more than they realize though. While some people complain, government interaction may be exactly what is needed in this day and age. Thanks to the government, we have safety laws and guidelines keeping us safe, like the speed limits. The soda ban may just be another attempt in helping keep America’s public safe and healthy. Maybe the government will eventually pass technology-use laws as well?
Continuing on…
While there are technology problems, it’s not completely fair to claim that it is degrading the quality of our lives. The Internet allows us to keep in touch with friends and even make new ones. Technology in business allows companies to complete tasks at a faster pace, and technology in schools allows the possibility for new educational opportunities. With views like this, it’s hard to see what could possibly be so bad about technology. Our school has even provided us with laptops, making Internet access easier than ever. With many homework assignments on- line, and even books scanned into the school website, many days it’s hard to avoid going on the computer. Schools these days are taking advantage of the resources available.
There are many advantages to the use of technology but there are many negatives at the same time. Are humans too dependent on technology? There are ways to complete many of the tasks we use technology for now, but in the instances when technology is necessary, it’s hard to argue that we are too dependent on something that doesn’t have an alternative.
I'd say we are very dependent on technology just because we are lazy. Instead of doing some of my homework; searching through notes pages or some textbooks we have, I always go online and just find the answers. Also there may be some random questions I have throughout the day I can just hop online and find the answer to something. I think the technology can be very helpful and we can learn new things, also like you said we can keep in touch with friends and sometimes even family that lives far away. Also, I think the government stepping in in New York for a large soda ban is kind of ridiculous. If you think about it you can go to the store and buy a liter of soda or you can buy two sodas through the drive through. I guess the government helps us out a little because there can be that one person in the world that would blame the government for not banning these unhealthy habits.
ReplyDeleteI like that you connected it right away to yourself in the beginning. I agree completely, we are MUCH too dependent on technology. My mom and I talk about this topic somewhat frequently and how different me going off to college will be than when she went off. It will be so easy to stay in contact with her, but I think people start to depend on that way too much and don't value human interaction as much as they should. I honestly wish we lived back when there was no dependance on technology.
ReplyDeleteIts so true- technology has consumed and transformed American lifestyle. Our priorities have changed, and whether that is a good or bad thing, depends on the person and what they are really using the technology for.
As you mentioned there are both positives and negatives to technology related to our society and the government. Though there are hundreds of different reasons why technology is hurting our lifestyle and having negative impacts on kids, there are many positives to technological advances.
In the recent news, Felix Baumgartner, an Austrian skydiver set the world record for skydiving an estimated 39 kilometers (24 mi), reaching an estimated speed of 1,342 kilometers per hour (834 mph and became the first person to break the sound barrier on his descent without vehicular power. Absolutely none of this could have been possible without the technology and it’s amazing advancements that provided a safe suit, helmet and visor for Baumgartners fall. It’s the stories like these that make technological government advances all worth it.
I really like that you made a personal connection right away in the beginning that not only you can relate to, but others can too. I totally agree that we are getting way to dependent on technology. Oh the irony as I type this on a computer. But when you think about it, we are. I even catch myself doing it. How many times have you checked your phone more than once in five minutes? I don't even want to think about how many times a day. And the way that people get panicked when they don't feel their phone in their pocket is getting crazy. We would not be able to function as a society without all of our technology today.
ReplyDeleteJenna, I thought your topic was a very interesting and relevant one to the people in our society today. It is amazing how much we rely on the internet or our cell phones to make it through the day. I miss the days when I used to have play dates and actually talk to people instead of text them. In the world around us, a lot of people's success has to do with who they know and the connections they have with people, it is hard to build connections over an email and phone conversation. More people should start to use technology in a positive way rather than a negative way so the government would not have to worry about us, but that is easier said than done. The positives and negatives of technology are overwhelming, but you did a great job of representing both sides of the spectrum!
ReplyDeleteIt is funny because I can see myself doing the exact same thing when thinking about what to do, as I too just realized I'm probably a little bit too dependent on technology. It's sad to think about how much of our lives are consumed with electronics, and it's even sadder to think about that when we are asked what our most prized possession is, or something that we couldn't live without, the majority of people if not all people would respond with something in the technology field. I wonder what it would be like to grow up in a world where technology isn't a factor, but these days it's only getting worse; little kids are maneuvering Ipads and elementary school kids own smart phones. It will be interesting to see where things go in the future as technology is an interesting topic to discuss.
ReplyDeleteOver the past couple of years I, as well as many other people have noticed that technology has pretty much taken over. I completely agree with everything you said in your blog. Everyone these days as young as like 4th grade have cellphones, maybe even 3rd grade. When I babysit young children, all the kids want to do is watch tv or play on their ipad. They never want to do fun activities like tag, hide and seek, or capture the flag outside. I am shocked every time kids tell me that they don’t want to play outside because when I was little that is all I would do play so many games outside and run around all day. My mom would never let me get a cellphone so young or watch too much tv. It’s crazy to think that all kids rely on these days is technology, and it’s kind of sad.
ReplyDeleteOur community as a whole is too reliant on technology and I am a part of it as well; I know that I use technology a lot. People seem like that can't even go a week without having their phone, Ipod, computer or video game system and it's ridiculous. It's funny because I received a cell phone for myself from my dad so I could keep in contact with him easier in 7th grade and it seemed like a huge deal with me and a few other kids having cell phones. Now, I see 3rd graders with cell phones better than the one I had and having technology that I would've never gotten. It'll be interesting to see how technology will be a factor in our lives in the next decade or so.
ReplyDeleteOur community as a whole is too reliant on technology and I am a part of it as well; I know that I use technology a lot. People seem like that can't even go a week without having their phone, Ipod, computer or video game system and it's ridiculous. It's funny because I received a cell phone for myself from my dad so I could keep in contact with him easier in 7th grade and it seemed like a huge deal with me and a few other kids having cell phones. Now, I see 3rd graders with cell phones better than the one I had and having technology that I would've never gotten. It'll be interesting to see how technology will be a factor in our lives in the next decade or so.
ReplyDeleteI definitely agree with how bad it is that we are so reliant on television. My mom always tells me about her childhood, and how as soon as she was finished with breakfast she would go outside to play with friends and then stay out until it was time for dinner. I remember being so jealous, because I used to love playing outside. But the sad truth of it is, it is no longer safe for kids to run around the town and play without a cell phone or anything to keep them in contact with their parents. We just can't do it anymore. And now it is just easier to stay inside and be anti-social. Technology has made it so that we had to grow up with it, and keep up, otherwise you will be left behind.
ReplyDeleteI think that the advantages of the technology now outweigh the disadvantages. Think back one hundred years ago and how hard it would’ve been to do things we do every day now. Instead of having a week-long trip to go from coast to coast, we can take a four hour plane ride. To contact someone from town to town, you could use a telegraph, but not everyone knew how those worked, so instead you could write a letter and wait a few days for a response. Today, you can send a message to someone in Europe and get a reply within a minute. I always hear people saying that kids spend too much time as a generation in front of a screen, but what have they done to discourage us? Everything we do, at some point, seems to require being in front of some form of a screen.
ReplyDeleteI like how you connect to you right in the beginning, you also make a great point we are very dependent on technology. Because no one can't really leave their house without their phones, iPods or other kind of technology. Now since are society is all technology are government are most likely going to be worried that we are not more outdoors, but no matter what we will always be to dependent on tech.
ReplyDeleteIn English class last year I did a speech on this exact topic. I thought exactly what you thought, that we are becoming too reliant on technology. I agree with pretty much everything you said, as well as the part about government starting to take control of portions and soda servings. While some complain, it's our only steps to combating this problem of obesity. Obviously no one is taking the steps to better their health on their own or else our obesity rate wouldn't be constantly on the rise. Sometimes people just need to step in and do what's right, whether people like it or not. Sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do.