By Addison Fohr
Having an ID when going into vote
has been an ongoing issue in Wisconsin. Currently there are 37 states that are
under the voter law. In 2008 there were 20 people with voting violations. That
may seem like nothing but remember when you hear everyone say every vote
counts, well this is part of it, if someone votes more than once it could
potentially mess everything up. The photo ID is there to help with the
elections and make things easier for the people running them. There is safety
that is involved along with ensuring the vote is going to be correct.
As you can see in the map that not
all states are going to require a photo ID but they are asking for some form of
identification. There are a lot more states that are saying that they want a
photo or non-photo identification and even that is going to help each state.
Then there is the middle blue that is photo identification required with
exceptions, and then there is the dark blue that has photo identification and
no exceptions, and of course the white that is no identification law. As you
can see that the stricter the rules get the less rare they get but even that it
is going to help our country little at a time.
There are things that are going to be argued like, what if you don’t have an ID or what if you don’t have the money to get an ID? There is no easy answer to that but there has to be some limits. Every person has the freedom to vote so a possibility for that problem could be that the government could provide a photo ID that would be cheaper than a drivers license so those people would be able to use it for voting and for other things that they would need a photo ID for.
There are things that are going to be argued like, what if you don’t have an ID or what if you don’t have the money to get an ID? There is no easy answer to that but there has to be some limits. Every person has the freedom to vote so a possibility for that problem could be that the government could provide a photo ID that would be cheaper than a drivers license so those people would be able to use it for voting and for other things that they would need a photo ID for.
I have heard things in class and
out of class about those people that are not going to be able to afford the
ID’s and that if they cant afford that then it might be a good idea that they
don’t vote because they must not know much about the government, but I find
that to be very untrue. The people that are striving for money and need the
help are going to look the hardest for help and are going to pay attention to
the candidates and what they are going to do and how it is going to help them.
There is a reason that 37 states
have the voter ID law or some form of the voter ID law and seeing that there
are problems just in the 2008 election now that this election is tomorrow I
think that it would be a great thing to bring into our state. Every vote counts
and having to worry about what ones are going to be cut because of double
voting and what ones are fine is just a hassle. I say make the change and have
Wisconsin under the voter ID law regardless if
it is the strict only voter ID or just a regular ID with no photo!
Addison, I think that you pick a very good, yet, arguable topic. Some people believe that they don't need their ID, because they are already registered to vote. Others think that you do need it to confirm that you are a citizen, that you are of age, and that you are eligible to vote. I, personally, think that having your ID when you vote is an important factor of going to the polls. In conclusion, I believe that everyone should present their ID when they go to vote, for our country.